On Wednesday Room 8 tried out the despicable TECHNOLOGY CHALLENGE. Every group had its own crazy idea of how to get the medicine down to safety, and to the person at the bottom of the steep cliff. The medicine (an egg) was very fragile and could not be dropped or it would break.
Each team was only allowed a certain amount of materials:
1 meter of string
1 roll of tape
3 sheets of white A4 paper
1 piece of A5 cardboard paper
1 plastic bag
The first time nobody could stand the agony seeing their egg shattered to pieces. The ‘Mac Eggs’ egg almost survived. But in the second round, the ‘Smart Guys’ and the ‘Hot Shots’ egg, made it without a scratch. The sad thing was we were only marked on the first try, not the second L But the good thing was we had a really fun time both making the ‘carrier’ for the egg and dropping the egg.