Monday, November 28, 2011

Oh No!

Amy shares a piece of her writing about our kayaking at Waimarino.

I wobble in the kayak but don’t topple .the wind has pushed me into the side of the bank. ”Oh no” I think. I carefully force my paddle between the murky brown water speckled with green and the hideous weeds growing thickly in the water. I push using all my strength to get of the bank. Chemae and Maega have already past me. I try hard to keep up but I can’t, my arms aren’t strong enough. I keep getting blown into the bank. I swerve suddenly to avoid running over a mother duck and her ducklings. I carefully look at their soft feathers and wonder how Ocean can be scared of them.
As I slowly paddle specks of sticky mud covers my legs. I carefully turn without getting blown away. I approach the white boat and hurry up so I’m not the last.

1 comment:

Mrs Scarsbrook said...

Hi Amy
Your writing is beautifully descriptive and I would have loved to have seen the ducklings.
When I was kayaking down the Waikato river a few weeks ago, a speed boat went past and I tried to get far enough away from it, but didn't, and I ended up being swamped!