Wednesday, April 25, 2012


This term we are learning about animation, what it is and how it is made. We have found out that animations are made up of lots of pictures, each with a small difference to the one before. When these are played quickly our brains are tricked into thinking the pictures are moving. 

To explore this idea we made some little flip books. A flip book is made up of lots of little pictures which the watcher flips through to watch the animation. Flip books have been around since 1868 when John Barnes Linnett created his kineograph (kine meaning movement and graph meaning picture). Our little flip books have two pictures and you roll the top picture back and forth across the bottom picture to see the movement. It was important to make sure the changes we made to our pictures were only small so that our brain would be tricked.

Mrs Davies has made a little video of some of our flip books so you can see how they turned out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Room 8
I love your animations. Did you know that there is an animating app on the ipads in the Library Centre?
Mrs Scarsbrook